February 21, 2025
I’ve waited for a long time to write this first blog. As I step out on faith and begin this new journey, I have one purpose. My purpose is to relay my struggles in order to give hope, support and encouragement to anyone out there that has the same struggle.
My purpose is to use my suffering to show others they are not alone and the suffering is real for overweight people. The final part of this journey is to live out His purpose for my life and ask you to walk alongside me as I try to discover and fulfill that purpose my God and Savior has for my life and hopefully you are able to relate to some part of this for your life.
I seek joy in my life, I strive to live in His abundance, not the suffering the enemy has tried to use in my life to steal my joy and keep me from living His purpose for my life.
I pray there is at least one person who can read this, realize you are not alone and allow a glimpse of hope to come in your heart that you can be healthy.
My transparency: I am 92 pounds down from my highest weight of 331 pounds. This is the third time in my life I have lost a significant amount of weight, and countless times of losing 30, 40, and 50 pounds. My three largest weight loss amounts are 75, 90 and now 92.2 with approximately 7-10 years between these significant losses.
Before any experts out there tell me, I fully realize that is not healthy or the right thing. This is my journey. Later, in future writings, we will get into how I lost each time and discuss all the rights and wrongs, but for today, I want you to hear my heart.
I want someone out there to think they’ve found a safe space to hear from someone that woke up each morning with negative self-talk from a Christian woman who knew that voice was not from the Lord, but listened to it anyway.
As I think about the years I’ve spent as a prisoner to my weight, it’s really fascinating to realize what a hold my weight has had on my life. Each day began with the shame of the failure of the previous day’s eating and every night ended with the guilt of overeating along with the aches and pains of a body that required Advill to sleep.
It makes you wonder the question - what is actually “living”? I certainly wasn’t living the abundant life that Jesus has promised we can live. My weight was keeping me from the very purposes of living He had ordained for my life.
When I hear people dismiss the impact weight can have on living, I think of how wrong they are! They have no idea the psychological warfare that is taking place every hour in the head of an obese or morbidly obese individual.
Most probably think we don’t want to change. That is an untruth followed by some kind of diet advice they think we need. Well-intended family members or friends who want to educate fat people on how to rid themselves of the weight. Believe me, fat people who have been on every diet on the planet know “how” to lose weight, probably better than most! I do not suffer from lack of knowledge of proper nutrition or how to portion control or how to read a label.
I know you want to do better, you want to feel good, you want to bend over and tie your shoe. Yea, it’s the little things. Looking better is only a side benefit. You can have it. You can do it. If you are a person of faith, He will give you the strength to do it.
I’m excited about this journey we are going to walk together. I can't wait to hear about your struggles, your fears and we can tackle it together as we live out one day at a time.
You’ve entered into a safe place, one where you will see my daily struggle and see my weakness so you can live more abundantly and overcome your fears.
Thank you for taking the time and as we grow this blog and website into a complete health hub for overweight individuals who want to live abundantly, Not fads, quick fixes, but the rawness of real life with real struggles and real celebrations.
I want to hear from you and how we can make it happen. Email me and tell me about your journey.
Until next time….